Minutes September 2024

Minutes from September 2024 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 07419 583881 E-mail:

Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 14th September at Middlesmoor Village Village Hall 7.30pm

  1. PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr R Harker, Cllr D Verity, Cllr. A Challis, Cllr M Wells, Cllr A Sykes and Clerk Mr Alan Bean

  2. APOLOGIES Cllr J Carter, Cllr J Graham, County Cllr A Murday

  3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr D. Fothergill, Seconded Cllr R Harker

  4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Chairman abstained for planning application

  5. LOFTHOUSE SCHOOL Awaiting ownership update

  6. MATTERS ARISING Drainage is being sorted with Landowner.

  7. COUNCILLORS REPORTS Cllr D Fothergill reported that North Yorkshire Council has donated £1000 towards the cricket club. The council wishes to thank County Cllr A Murday for his help in getting this for the cricket club. It was also pointed out after the use of a difbrillator, it needs the pads and other parts replacing. The council agreed to the payment for this.

  8. FIRE STATION new volunteers are needed to keep the station running.

  9. STREET LIGHTS Stean light has no news. The old pole at Lofthouse no 2 is still to be removed.



  12. HIGHWAYS Hedges will be due to be cut in October

  13. PLAYGROUNDS nothing to report

  14. PARISH CARETAKER nothing to report

  15. PLANNING APPLICATIONS ZC24/02047/FUL Corn Close Farm Erection of a building for B2 use with associated parking provision and flood defence wall. The council supports the application, but wishes to add the council would suggest the area met a maximum with this application, and would not want further expansion and consideration should be given to other users of the site

  16. COMMUTED SUMS .It was agreed by the council to buy a bench from Glasdon, made from recycled plastic, of which the majority of the cost will be repaid by the commuted sums. The commuted sums will pay £705 of the £758.05 cost.

  17. MILLENIUM MARQUEE Damage has occurred to the marquee, it was agreed for the chair to arrange the repairs needed.

  18. PINFOLD nothing to report

  19. WEBSITE nothing to report


  21. ACCOUNTS as listed below

ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 30/06/24

Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 31/08/24 £ 2898.22

Includes funds from business account £ 3500.00

Total in Millennium Account £ 6398.22

Balance of Business Account at 31/08/24 £ 12117.51

TOTAL £ 18515.73

Interest received on bank accounts £ 10.52

Payments Made – All payments were agreed by the full council

Defibrillator repair after use £236.22

Glasdon bench £758.05

Middlesmoor Village Hall rent £360.00

Clerks Pay £209.00

  1. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report

  2. NEXT MEETING will be held at Ramsgill Village Hall 14th October 2024 7.30pm

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….