We keep files on here for both documents you may find useful, and those required to be visible for members of the parish to view
All audit and accounts are available for inspection. Details of this are on a separate page
On the second Monday of May each year (subject to unforeseen situations, Covid etc) we hold the Annual Meeting and Parish Annual Meeting. At these meetings the council reviews details of the past 12 months, and looking towards the next year. Members of the public are welcome to attend any of our meetings
We adhere to the new Transparency regulations, which are listed here. Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities
We also list items of expenditure over £100. This will include details of what this expenditure was for, the amount spent and the date it was spent. At the Annual Meeting this will be confirmed and before July, added to the website
Financial Regulations for the Parish Council are unchanged from 2016 – 17 Financial regulations for 2016-17
Governance and Accountability for Parish Councils 2017 onwards Governance and Accountability in England 2017