Minutes of October 2017

Minutes from October 2017 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 606395 E-mail:

Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday
9th October 2017 at Ramsgill Village Hall at 7.30pm

  1. PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden (Chairman); Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr P Nethercoat, Cllr J Carter, Cllr S Lumley, Cllr R Watson, Cllr A Challis, Cllr B Harrison

  2. APOLOGIES Cllr J Graham, Cllr A Sykes,


Cllr A Challis stated an interest in a planning application. Cllr A Challis was willing to answer any questions on the application, and left the room during discussions and decisions on the application.


Minutes for Parish Council Meeting held on Monday11th September 2017 Middlesmoor Village Hall were proposed by Cllr P Nethercoat seconded by Cllr D. Fothergill, signed by Chairman Cllr Ramsden and agreed by all Councillors present as a true and accurate copy


No response has been received from HBC regarding Telephone Box in Wath. It was decided to send a letter and email to Harrogate Borough Council, but to also include the head of Harrogate Borough Council, and cc Cllr S Lumley. The dog warden has not been seen in the local area since being requested to help with the dog mess being left in the area. It has been noted that the grit bins are being used for the dog mess. It was pointed out the area the Dog Warden covers is large. BT have been contacted regarding the current works being carried out in the area with electrical cables, and if BT would look into using this time to also bury their cables.


Cllr S Lumley reported the District Development Plan has been completed, however recent items like the Governments recently announced housing policy will effect this, including the transport structure, which is also an issue when considering new housing.

Cllr A Challis commented on a development on the pathway of the Lofthouse Old Post Office

Cllr S Ramsden reported the old metal bench at church bank has been replaced, as already discussed in previous meetings. The old bench has been moved to the Cricket Club. The bin near the bench at church bank had been requested by the donators of the new bench, if it could be removed. It was agreed by the Council, removing that bin would only cause an issue with rubbish.


  2. The War Memorial at Lofthouse has been cleared and replanted. The Enviroment group, including a neighbour have spent a lot of effort doing this. The council wished to thank their hard work. Cllr R Watson reported on some quotes that have been received for work on the memorials. Ramsgill memorial is qouted of repair costs of £2450+vat but does not include any engraving work. Middlesmoor quote is £1147+vat. These quotes are before funding from the War Memorials. Not all quotes have been received yet, and any work will depend on the funding from the War Memorials. Cllr R Watson is going to get an idea on what funding we are likely to get, as the War Memorials funding program only states the maximum available.
  3. HIGHWAYS  Cllr S Ramsden has taken hihways representative to several sites in the area. As of yet, they havent come back with resolution to the issues raised
  4. PLAYGROUNDS REPORT  The only issue remaining on the playgrounds is the fence that still needs repair. The Council has requested quotes from local businesses to repair the fence.
  5. PARISH CARETAKER   The caretaker has agreed to continue, but just for grass cutting. He is no longer willing to do other work in the area
  6. MILLENIUM MARQUEE nothing to report
  7. PINFOLD nothing to report
  8. PLANNING   6.16.28.A.RG3 HBC Seating Area near Scar House Resevoir – The council supports fully     6.17.74.C.DVCON Mr Robson at Bouthwaite – Items mentioned in the report are missing (items 7 and 8) council is going to get that information before continuing    6.28.5.C.FUL 17/03691/FUL Walker and Challis – Cllr A Challis was asked a number of questions, then left the room during discussions and decision. The council had no objections however did add that no lighting should be added without future application
  9. WEBSITE nothing to report
  10. CORRESPONDENCE    Planning expectorate wrote to ask if the council wished to make an aural statement to the expectorate on the ongoing Ramsgill green issue. The council agreed. Cllr R Watson said he would be willing to look at the paperwork, and make the aural statement. The clerk is going to pass Cllr R Watson all paperwork the council has on this at the next meeting
  11. ACCOUNTS   Balance of Millenium Marquee Account at 31/08/17 £ 2022.89  Balance of Business Account at 31/08/17 £ 5288.88     £ 7311.77

    RECEIPTS  Interest £ 0.07

    APPROVED PAYMENTS   Clerk salary £170.00

Invoice for Pegs for Marquee £28.80

Clerks pay approved by Cllr P Nethercoat and Cllr J Carter

NEXT MEETING 13th November 2017 at Lofthouse Village Hall

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. DATE …………………………………………………….