Minutes from November 2017 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 606395 E-mail: clerk4unpc@aol.co.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 13th November 2017 at Lofthouse Village Hall at 6.30pm
PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden (Chairman); Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr P Nethercoat, Cllr S Lumley, Cllr R Watson, Cllr A Challis, Cllr B Harrison, Cllr J Graham, Cllr A Sykes
PLUS 12 Parishioners also attended
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr J Graham regarding playground repair
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Minutes for Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th October 2017 at Ramsgill Village Hall were proposed by Cllr P Nethercoat seconded by Cllr D. Fothergill, signed by Chairman Cllr Ramsden and agreed by all Councillors present as a true and accurate copy
MATTERS ARISING Dog Warden – It was decided to contact the warden, via HBC, and include Stan Lumley in the Email. And to request that the dog warden contacts Cllr P Nethercoat
COUNCILLORS REPORTS Cllr Stan Lumley reported of the ongoing move of HBC to the new building was within budget and due to be complete shortly. The local development plan is to go before a council meeting. Phase 2 or the Broadband program is complete. 90% of NY has broadband. Contract for the remaining 10% is to be issued this week. It is expected majority of homes will have broadband within 2 years.
STREET LIGHTING A number of street lights are out across the parish, 2 are thought to be linked through private property. Parish clerk is to report these to council through new reporting system.
WAR MEMORIALS Cllr R Watson has submitted the pre application forms to the war memorials trust.
HIGHWAYS nothing to report
PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Cllr P Nethercoat handed in report for Lofthouse playground. Dog sign is broken at Lofthouse Playground. Chairman is going to sort.
PARISH CARETAKER Cllr Ramsdens’ son may be interested in the role of caretaker. This will be discussed further in a later meeting. After quotes requested, only one received for the repair of the playground fence. Cllr J Graham had explained his interest, as being the only one to respond to the work. As this is essential work, and the quote was lower than expected, Cllr J Graham was then issued with the work. Cllr D Fothergill proposed and Cllr P Nethercoat seconded.
MILLENIUM MARQUEE nothing to report
PINFOLD nothing to report
WEBSITE nothing to report
CORRESPONDENCE nothing to report
Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 31/10/17 £ 2023.03
Balance of Business Account at 31/10/17 £ 6480.08
£ 8503.11
Interest £ 0.07
Clerk salary £200.00
Caretaker £508.32
CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report
6.28.101.FUL 17/04449/FUL Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Colt House Bridge Car Park, Ramsgill – it was pointed out that although there as a public meeting, even the people living next to the meeting were unaware of it. It was pointed out that this development is on a main road, with a 60mph speed limit and limited visibility also the venue has no toilet facilities. The council felt there was no need for such a development, and would be dangerous for road users and pedestrians. The council voted B THE PARISH COUNCIL OBJECTS
6.28.95.B.FUL 17/03873/FUL Mr B Vellerman, Stean Farm, Stean The Council Voted A THE PARISH COUNCIL HAS NO OBJECTIONS
6.16.32.C.FUL 17/03704/FUL Mr & Mrs Dalton Stonebeck House, Middlesmoor The Council Voted A THE PARISH COUNCIL HAS NO OBJECTIONS
6.28.100.FUL 17/04242/FUL Mr C Makin Colt Beck Barn, Ramsgill The Council Voted A THE PARISH COUNCIL HAS NO OBJECTIONS
6.28.55.D.FUL 17/04520/FUL Mr A Harker Highstone Cottage, Pateley Bridge The Council Voted A THE PARISH COUNCIL HAS NO OBJECTIONS
6.17.77.FUL 17/04413/FUL R Smith & M Pepper Outbuilding East Of The Old Post Office, Chapel Terrace, Lofthouse The applicants were present at this meeting, and were invited to explain their application. In the initial few sentences they admitted to an error in the measurements in the borders of the property. As the council has to look at applications as they are put to the council, and this meant there was an initial issue. Members of the public were also present. It was pointed out by Cllr R Watson that there were a few issues to design, as put before us. Windows being not suited to the area, parking spaces and access. The applicants did say the window design is to be changed, measurements for paring show there isn’t an issue and they were allowing access as has been sued for many years, between the 2 properties. As this information is not present on the application, as a council we must refuse the application for these areas. The council is in favour of reuse of the property, but can only use the information on the application to respond to. Not additional information from applicants. The council voted B THE PARISH COUNCIL OBJECTS
TELEPHONE BOX AT WATH An email was received from HBC stating they acted properly in removal of the phone box. It was decided we need to respond to the email sent by HBC over dates and the fact the report was correct on tow out of the three boxes. It was suggested to confirm all details and construct a suitable response, to consulting with Cllr J Carter. This may be at next meeting as not available this meeting
NEXT MEETING 8th January 2018 at Ramsgill Village Hall
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. DATE …………………………………………………….