Minutes November 2022

Minutes from November 2022 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 07419 583881 E-mail:

Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 14th November at Lofthouse Village Hall at 7.30pm

  1. PRESENT Chair Cllr. S Ramsden, Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr A. Challis, Cllr J Carter, Cllr M Wells, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr D Verity, County Cllr A Murday and Clerk Mr Alan Bean

  2. APOLOGIES Cllr J Graham, District Cllr S Lumley


  4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr S Ramsden, Seconded Cllr D Fothergill

  5. MATTERS ARISING The council voted and agreed Cllr D Fothergill will be Vice chair until May. How Stean and the lean to garage were reported last month. The council is awaiting any response from the Inspector. Gulleys need reporting. Cllr A Challis is going to use “three words/2 so the reporting for highways has a specific place to go. Landowners need contacting to check the drains. Councillors are going to talk to relevant people to help to stop possible issues later this year. It is believed the gulleys and drains between Lofthouse and Bridge Inn hasn’t been looked at for several years. Clerk is to report to Highways.

  6. COUNCILLORS REPORTS County Councillor Murday reported there is an online survey for the new council to help the new council understand what areas it needs to work on. A standardised parish council charter is due to be discussed in February for parish councils across north yorkshire. The Hub conversations are continuing. The issue is a non elected body could be in charge of unds. As such safeguards need to be considered. Also the potential of these hubs becoming centralised and losing connections with rural areas. It is possible this will only happen in the second year of the new council. On the 2nd of December Pateley re arranging a late night shopping. Cllr A Chalis has found out there are 2 positions on Fountains board of governors. Cllr M Wells is considering applying.

  7. FIRE STATION Council has been asked if they will contribute towards decorating costs. The council agreed to cover £100 of costs. If more is needed, this will be considered at the next meeting.Cllr D Fothergill is going to ask for a quote for this work.

  8. CCTV . The Chair, Cllr S Ramsden is contacting the the crime protection police officer to discuss CCTV

  9. STREET LIGHTS There is issues with no 5 at Lofthouse and Ramsgill near the Telephone box. Clerk is reporting to highways

  10. VILLAGE ISSUES Nothing to report however it was agreed that Ramsgill Village Hall will receive the £500 discussed over that past few years that other village halls received, regarding repair costs, to help from the pandemic. The other halls received this in previous years.

  11. CORONATION PLANNING It was agreed to arrange a meeting with members of the community in January to plan for the Coronation celebrations


  13. HIGHWAYS According to County Councillor Murday the issue with the reservoir road is now due to funding.

  14. PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Seats are in the process of being fitted

  15. PARISH CARETAKER nothing to report


  17. COMMUTED SUMS Invoices are being forwarded

  18. MILLENIUM MARQUEE Awaiting a cheque. Nothing more to report

  19. PINFOLD nothing to report

  20. WEBSITE Nothing to report

  21. ACCOUNTS It was agreed to pay the following.

Clerks Pay £206.76


ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 31/10/22

Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 31/10/22 £ 2686.50

Balance of Business Account at 31/10/22 £ 15369.49 £ 18055.99

RECEIPT Interest 0.89p



The following payments were agreed by the council

Clerks Pay £222.40

HBC Playgrounds £146.40

Ray Skelton £278.10

ARJ Contractors £100.00

Royal British Legion £40.00

Ramsgill Village Hall £500.00

  1. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report

  2. NEXT MEETING will be held at Lofthouse Village Hall on 14th November 7.30pm

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….