Draft Minutes from May 2017 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 606395 E-mail: clerk4unpc@aol.co.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 8th May 2017 at Lofthouse Memorial Hall at 8.45pm
1. PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden (Chairman); Cllr D. Fothergill; Cllr J. Carter; Cllr A Challis; Cllr S Lumley, Cllr J Graham, Cllr P Nethercoat
2. APOLOGIES Cllr R Watson
4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Minutes for Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th April 2017 at Ramsgill Village Hall at 7.30 pm, were proposed by Cllr D Fothergill sconded by J Carter and signed by Chairman Cllr Ramsden and agreed by all Councillors present as a true and accurate copy
Cllr Stan Lumley is now County Councillor as well as District councillor. In his report on the Parish Meeting. He covered in this report, the charges to be implemented for Green Wastes and the sale of the Harrogate council offices is proceeding. He also made appollogies as he will be unable to continue to come to all meetings due to other councils now under his County Council role
Cllr S Ramsden reported drainage problems in the area are yet to be sorted. War memorials and the repairs are to be looked into further with the experience and help of Cllr R Watson. The ex Cllr, C Lamb has not yet responded to the request for details she has had on war memorials.
Cllr P Nethercoat pointed out the continuing dog mess in Lofthpuse and Middlesmoor. Clerk is contacting HBC for signage / dog wardens and help with this issue. The bin at Lofthuse playground also seems to not being emptied
Cllr J Graham reported broken rails at Lofthouse playfield. Cllr S Ramsden pointed out the caretaker is due to replair them this coming month.#
7. TOUR DE YORKSHIRE – All Councillors reported the success of the Tour, and how well it showed off the area in the TV coverage. It was also noted the increase of cyclists since the Tour, now in the area.
8. WAR MEMORIALS – Cllr S Ramsden covered war memorials in his report. He stated that Cllr R Watson has previous knowledge on this subject, and he will continue to contact ex Cllr C Lamb for the details she still has on this.#
9. YORKSHIRE WATER – After contacting Yorkshire water, the clerk reported that Yorkshire Water wanted photos and would look at doing the work themselves. It was agreed Cllr A Challis to forward photos for the Clerk to email to Yrkshire Water
10. HIGHWAYS – Cllr P Nethercoat questioned the quality of repairs, some bad repairs left untouched next to ones hardly needing touchingIt appeared some were rushed jobs, Cllr S Lumley stated inspectors over the years, have been reduced. Contractors have been known to inspect their own work. Cllr S Ramsden pointed out a new reporting system is due to be released this coming month, and should enable quicker and better reporting of issues.
Cllr Ann Challis along with Cllr D Fothergill brought up the rights of way near Lofthuse old Postoffice. It was decided that the clerk should investigate if the right of way existed and if not, how to apply for rights of way
11. PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Cllr J Carter handed in playgrounds form stating no issues.
12. PARISH CARETAKER The councillors all commented how well the work has been done in preparation for the Tour De Yorkshire by the Caretaker
13. MILLENIUM MARQUEE No orders at the moment. As reported in the parish meeting, it has been stated the condition of the marquee is poor. Infact for an item with a possible 20 year life, and now in its 18th year, it may be worth considering its future during the next year
14. PINFOLD – Nothing to report
15. PLANNING 2 applications receieved
17/01305/FUL Responded as Parish Council has no objections
17/01553/DVCON Responded Parish Council objects due to lack of information for future useage
Balance of Community Account at 31/03/17 £ 2022. 54
Balance of Business Account at 31/03/17 £ 5217.35 £ 7239.89
Cheques agreed to be paid Clerks pay – A Bean £170.00
Came and Co
YLCA subscription
Balances on accounts taken from latest bank statements. It was also pointed out the account referenced as community account, should be recorded as millenium marquee account, which it is, in fact, what it is.
17. AUDIT REQUIREMENTS – In preparations for the annual audit, the internal auditor checked the accounts, and reported that money wise the accounts are good, however a number of administration paperwork issues need updating. These included precept calculations and requests for funds. Standing Orders for coucillors, The insurance value and assets and Cllr responsibilities during audits
18. COUNCILLOR VACANCIES – The parishoner present at this meeting is considering becoming a councillor, which would mean no vacancies
19. WEBSITE – The website has been updated with a short video of the Tour De Yorkshire
20. CORRESPONDENCE – no new correspondence
21. NEXT MEETING 12th June 2017 7.00pm at Middlesmoor Village Hall for Parish Council Meeting allowing extra time to cover audit requirements
meeting ended 10.05 pm

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. DATE …………………………………………………….