Minutes from June 2017 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 606395 E-mail: clerk4unpc@aol.co.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday the 12th June 2017 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30pm
PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden (Chairman); Cllr D. Fothergill; Cllr J. Carter; Cllr A Challis; Cllr S Lumley, Cllr J Graham, Cllr P Nethercoat Cllr R Watson Cllr A Sykes
APOLOGIES Cllr B Harrison
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ON THE AGENDA – Cllr D Fothergill regarding planning application 6.17.55.C 17/01168/FUL Park House, Lofthouse
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Minutes for Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th May 2017 at Lofthouse Village Hall at 8.45 pm, were proposed by Cllr P Nethercoat seconded by J Graham, signed by Chairman Cllr Ramsden and agreed by all Councillors present as a true and accurate copy
MATTERS ARISING A full explanation of the backlog currently experienced by rights of way applications where the owner isn’t involved, was explained to the counclllors, as beinging currently over 100 applications from 2016. If the owner is known, the application isn’t an issue, that applications are a lot quicker to deal with. It was agreed to send a letter to the current owner of the post office in lofthouse, to confirm the current and historical right of way for the pathway between the post office and barn in lofthouse.
Cllr Stan Lumley explained that the local plan that has taken many months of work, is having to consider a amendumdue to an increase of housing required. He did explain thiswould not effect the Upper Nidderdale area in any way. He also reported an issue has been found with the Local Fire Volunteers. Due to out of date training, and lack of focal point in the area, many if not all of the current volunteers would nt be called if required, as the fire department only contact those with up to date training. Cllr Ramsden agreed to arrange contact of volunteers to update their training
Cllr P Nethercoat pointed out no contact had been received from Harrogate Borough Council regardingthe continuing dog mess in Lofthouse and Middlesmoor. Clerk is recontacting HBC for signage / dog wardens and help with this issue. The bin at Lofthuse playground are not being emptied and recycling bins. He also pointed out the Heart Foundation collection at the Tour De Yorkshire at Lofthouse, raised a total of £333
Cllr J Carter raised the fact that the BT telephone box had been removed from Wath, although we had requested it stayed, and of not, that Wath would adopt it. It turned out Harrogate Borough Council had not forward our request details to BT, although they had for other boxes. Cllr Carter wished to ask HBC to pay for a replacement, however most of the council were of the view that this wouldn’t happen, they agreed it was worth sending a letter. Cllr Carter is to liase with the Chairman before sending the letter. She also pointed out Wath doesn’t have a Add to defibulator, unlike most villages in the area. Cllr Carter agreed to look into any financial assistance for this. Cllr Carter also pointed out that as Cllr Lamb has left, the heathfield notice board needs someone to put the minutes etc up. Cllr Ransden said, for now, he would do this
WAR MEMORIALS – Cllr S Ramsden along with Cllr R Watson have continued to look into funding, and Cllr Watson has now paperwork and information on claiming funding, but requires quotes before continuing. This he is now dealing with.
YORKSHIRE WATER – After contacting Yorkshire water, the response was they will only deal with saplings on their property, anything else they wont touch. It was agreed at the moment to leave this, and see what they do.
HIGHWAYS – There were a number of drains near Lofthouse and Ramsgill that need highways to look at. These included Corn Close, outside Sanctuary Housing, need dealing with. The facility promised my highways, is still not ready, so will request these to be repaired and invite someone who is responsible to a future meeting.
PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Cllr J Carter and Cllr P Nethercoat handed in playgrounds form stating no issues, but Cllr P Nethercoat did mention the repairs that are planned for the rails.
PARISH CARETAKER No special requirements were needed beyond items already asked for
MILLENIUM MARQUEE The condition of the Marquee is now in question, and its future
PINFOLD – Nothing to report
PLANNING 2 applications received
6.17.76.FUL 17/01357/FUL Post office and shop, Chapel Street, Lofthouse -The Parish Council responded neither for or against the application, however did point out he parish council is aware there is a historic right of way between the post office and barn
6.17.55.C 17/01168/FUL Park House, Lofthouse – The Parish Council responded neither for or against the application however did point out a number of issues with the plot being next to the Cricket Club, including the issue of cricket balls and windows Cllr D Fothergill declared interest for this application as a member of the cricket club
Balance of Millenium Marquee Account at 30/04/17 £ 2022.61
Balance of Business Account at 30/04/17 £ 6742.35
£ 8764.96
Precept £1685
Interest 0.7p
Invoice from Grewelthorpe Parish Council £60.00 was held back due to requiring copy of original invoice
Invoice for Lofthouse Village Hall £90.00 was approved
Invoice for Internal Audit £50..00 was approved
Invoice For Parish Clerk £210.00 was approved
AUDIT REQUIREMENTS – A number of items were brought for discussion, Standing orders we currently have need review. It was decided that The Chairman and Vice Chair are to be allowed to authorise payments up to £50, and the clerk, £50, for items required for the operating of the council. These items to be confirmed at the next appropriate meeting
The asset register also needs updating, and as such, the insurance. It was felt the best course of action is to check the condition, and as such if any items need removing from the asset register. This is especially important when considering the future of the marquee.
WEBSITE – nothing required
CORRESPONDENCE – A letter was received regarding the potential for a seat to be placed in the parish, replacing another with a plaque. Cllr Ramsden is going to contact the parishioner, and confirm all details
NEXT MEETING 10th July 2017 7.30pm at Ramsgill Village Hall for Parish Council Meeting
meeting ended 10.05 pm
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. DATE …………………………………………………….