Minutes from April 2017 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 606395 E-mail: clerk4unpc@aol.co.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 10th April 2017 at Ramsgill Village Hall at 7.30pm
PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden (Chairman); Cllr D. Fothergill; Cllr J. Carter; Cllr A Challis; Cllr S Lumley, Cllr J Graham, Cllr J Fort Cllr Watson
APOLOGIES Cllr B Harrison, Cllr P Nethercoat
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Minutes for Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13th March 2017 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30 pm, were proposed by Cllr J Carter. seconded by Cllr D Fothergill and signed by Chairman Cllr Ramsden and agreed by all Councillors present as a true and accurate copy
Cllr John Fort reported this was to be his last meeting, after working with 14 parish councils he is retiring. All council members thanked him for such hard work, and being so helpful to the council over the past years. He stated that the North Yorkshire Council has £32 million for road refurbishment. This money is for the whole of north yorkshire, and is made up of Government and local authority funds set aside for roads.
Cllr Stan Lumley is standing for the role previously held by Cllr J Fort, as such couldnt comment on certain issues until after the election results. He was able to state the District Development Review is due out late June.. Crescent Gardens has now been sold. In the late summer they will be moving to new the buildings
Cllr S Ramsden suggest it may be advantageous to invite someone from Planning to visit the parish council to liaise with the parish council. Also Cllr S Ramsden suggested that the council should report unwanted and none official signage . It was also discussed about CCTV and the ongoing issues in the area. Police are aware of the issues and have moved towards night patrols. Cllr S Ramsden suggested the parish council should consider CCTV. It was agreed for him to investigate potential costs.
Cllr J Carter suggested send busicuits to those at Yorkshire Water after the meeting held, explaining the work currently taking place.
Cllr A Chalis mentioned the Rights of Passage and has received an email with a link to rights of way in the area.
Cllr D Fothergill and Cllr R Watson had nothing to report
The parish council was visited by Deborah Flowers from the Highways department, along with James Gilroy regarding Tour De Yorkshire. Deborah apologised for the disruption over the past few weeks, while road works took place. She also informed the council of a new system, to allow the Parish Council to keep track on repair works. The system is due to be up and running by the middle of May and will allow a view of progress, in real time, of all reported highway issues.
James Gilroy reported on the Tour De Yorkshire that the main area people are expected to visit is Lofthouse. He stated that road signs and leaflets are being put out in areas affected. There are a few issues, but they will all be sorted well before the race.
The Parish Council thanked Deborah Flowers and James Gilroy for their help
PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Cllr J Carter handed in playgrounds form stating no issues. Cllr A Challis reported Lofthouse needs a NO DOGS sign
PARISH CARETAKER The council confirmed they wanted the Grass cutting around the 20th April, so it looks good for the Tour De Yorkshire
MILLENIUM MARQUEE No orders at the moment
PINFOLD – Nothing to report
PLANNING No planning applications for this meeting
ACCOUNTS Balance of Community Account at 31/1/17 £ 2022. 41
Balance of Business Account at 31/1/17 £ 5137.24
£ 7159.65
Cheques agreed to be paid Clerks pay – A Bean £170.00
Balances on accounts taken from latest bank statements
CORRESPONDENCE – no new correspondence
TOUR DE YORKSHIRE covered under highways
NEXT MEETING 7.00pm at Lofthouse Memorial Hall for Annual Parish Meeting, Annual Parish Coumcil Meeting and Parish Council Meeting