Minutes of March 2017

Minutes from March 2017 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 606395 E-mail: clerk4unpc@aol.co.uk

Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 13th March 2017 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30 pm

  1. PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden (Chairman); Cllr D. Fothergill; Cllr J. Carter; Cllr A Challis; Cllr S Lumley, Cllr J Graham, Cllr J Fort

  2. APOLOGIES Cllr B Harrison, Cllr P Nethercoat


  4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Minutes for Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13th February 2017, were proposed by Cllr J Carter. seconded by Cllr D Fothergill and signed by Chairman Cllr Ramsden and agreed by all Councillors present as a true and accurate copy


Highways – Still no reply to enquiry regarding forth coming works


Cllr J Fort reported a sign is being arranged for “Area of Outstanding Beauty” near Masham. Money being spent on works at Deadmans Hill repair is from a Government grant, which only that area fits the requirements for the funding, as such all the grant money for the area available on the limited time grant, is being spent repairing that area.

Ramsgill Green has now gone to appeal, which is a limited time period situation. Unless the applicant pays the fee for the appeal shortly, then the appeal will not occur, and the adjudication will stand. The report for that adjudication will only be released after either a appeal process has taken place, or the appeal wasn’t paid for within the time period allowed.

Cllr S Lumley reported on the success of the Majors Ball at Pateley Bridge. It created a sum of £2000 into the cummunity, which is now available for small grants via Pateley Bridge Parish Council

The Nidderdale Strategic Partnership said goodbye to Katie who has retired, and welcomed Debbie Gresham. This is a locally funded scheme

Tour De Yorkshire details of road closures for the race are still being discussed. It was also mentioned that the the “Nidderdale” sign, that it is unsure if this will be put up this year

Cllr A Challis reported she was asked about the right of way behind the old Chapel and the Post Office in Lofthouse. Email is to be sent to ask for confirmation on this.

Stephen reported that Joe Hayton had looked into the war memorial and stated at Ramsgill the work required was significant as the deterioration was too much and he doesn’t do Lead work. Cllr Ramsden stated he was going to look deeper into this matter for the next meeting


Repairs to the roads for the Tour De Yorkshire, would be done with rolling repairs meaning no road closures. However it was noted by councillors that there are a number of areas needing further inspection, including outside the Crown Hotel, which was repaired at night, and not to a level to be suitable for any length of time.

An email is to be sent to Debra Flowers, inviting her to the meeting in April


Cllr J Carter handing in her playground inspection report

Cllr A Challis pointed out a rail need replacing at Lofthouse, ad Dog sign hadn’t been put up, but the playgrund was in good condition and work had been completed as requested

The dog sign. After a brief discussion, it was realised that the instructions to the caretaker could easily have been misunderstood, and the wrong sign gone to the wrong playground. Cllr A Challis is to check exactly what sign has gone up, and inform Cllr J Carter.


It was decided to ask the Caretaker for a verbal guide price for the saplings along the reservoir, including chemical treatment, as there is the potential for Yorkshire Water to contribute to the costs, and will need some guide before offering a contribution.

  1. MILLENIUM MARQUEE – The team who have previously put up the marquee are unable to commit for the next year. The councillors believe part of this is due to the time involved to erect the marquee, and the lack of money to do so. Some people had failed to pay the people erecting the marquee on previous occasions. It was agreed the cost for the Marquee is substantially lower than anywhere else, and although the councillors didn’t want to increase the rental costs, they felt it was appropriate to increase the fees to erect and dismantle the marquee. For now onwards the fees for rental will remain at £150. Erection of Marquee to be payable direct to the people who do the work, the erection and dismantling of the marquee should be a total fee of £300 As 3 people are needed to erect the marquee Cllr S Ramsden stated he believes he would be able to arrange 3 people to do so

  2. PINFOLD – Noting to report

  3. PLANNING – Planning application received was approved.

  4. ACCOUNTS Balance of Community Account at 31/1/17 £ 2022. 41

Balance of Business Account at 31/1/17 £ 5137.24

£ 7159.65

Cheques agreed to be paid Clerks pay – A Bean £170.00

plus it was found an invoice to 2016 for Middlesmoor Village Hall rental had been missed, and therefore a new invoice for 2016 and 17 was received and agreed for payment for £160.00

It was also authorised for 2 plastic filling boxes to be purchased before next meeting, for a cost of around £15 each

  1. CORRESPONDENCE – no new correspondence

  1. TOUR DE YORKSHIRE – Yorkshire water have been contacted regarding rubbish and saplings alongside Gouthwaite Reservoir and the On site manager is looking into this. They have, in principle, agreed t help with this however now the site manager is dealing with it, no reply is being received. It was noted a number of Councillors will be attending a meeting with Yorkshire water, and this can then be brought up

  2. WEBSITE – nothing to report

  3. NEXT MEETING – Monday 10th April 2017 at Ramsgill Village Hall at 7.30pm,

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. DATE …………………………………………………….