Minutes from February 2017 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 606395 E-mail: clerk4unpc@aol.co.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON MONDAY 13th FEBRUARY 2016 at 7.30 pm
In Lofthouse Village Hall
PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden (Chairman); Cllr D. Fothergill; Cllr J. Carter; Cllr A Challis; Cllr S Lumley, Cllr J Graham, Cllr B Harrison
APOLOGIES Cllr J Fort, Cllr P Nethercoat
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Minutes for Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12 December 2016, were proposed by Cllr J Carter. seconded by Cllr D Fothergill and signed by Chairman Cllr Ramsden and agreed by all Councillors present as a true and accurate copy
– Telephone Boxes – No news from BT as yet
– Commuted Sums – No new figures received, department dealing with this is currently stretched at HBC, so time scale for report to be received may be a while
Bank Mandate – awaiting HSBC confirming updated
War Memorials – It is believed the parish council will need to pay 25% of costs. However we are awaiting confirmation from War Memorial funding. Ramsgill, Middlesmore and Lofthouse memorials are all repoted as needing some work.
Cllr Stan Lumley reported on Harrogate Budget discussions. He reported that merely days before this final meeting the government announced another reduction of funding for Harrogate Borough Council. The discussions ended with an increase of approximately £5 to the HBC portion of the Council Tax for next year.. He also announced that why the changed of rules were being requested by the council for the Stray. It was due to the fact everytime an event currently happens on the stray, because of a parliamentary document from Victorian times, the council needed to apply to Parliament for a special exclusion. Recent events have included Tour De France. Parliament will no longer allow these exclusions as it takes up Parliamentary time. This means without this amendment, no further events will be allowed on the stray. Unfortunately this was explained badly to the press, meaning a strong backlash. It is expected that this amendment will now be dropped, meaning no further events can be held on the Stray
Cllr Ann Carter explained she was doing an inspecton of the Lofthouse Playground this week
Cllr J Graham noted gritters had missed Upper Nidderdale area this winter
Cllr D Fothergill mentioned road repairs have been completed in some areas, but to a very poor level. May have started to collapse in the short time since the repairs were completed
With the Tour De Yorkshire due very soon, a discussion was raised regarding the potential closures for work ready for the Tour De Yorkshire, and when signage will be put out to warn people of the days the roads will be closed for such large resurfacing work and repair work to be done. Also what provision there will be for school buses and those going to work. The only other route out for the Upper Nidderdale area is a substantial increase in travel.
Cllr J Carter reported signs are now mounted, and the report on Wath was received by the council. It was noted Lofthouse playground rail needs checking.
It was decided to ask the Caretaker for a guide price for the saplings along the reservoir, including chemical treatment, as there is the potential for Yorkshire Water to contribute to the costs, and will need some guide before offering a contribution.
MILLENIUM MARQUEE – nothing to report
PINFOLD – Noting to report
PLANNING – Planing reports that were dealt with in committee were confirmed by council as suitable. All were responded with no onjections.
ACCOUNTS Balance of Community Account at 31/1/17 £ 2022. 41
Balance of Business Account at 31/1/17 £ 5137.24
£ 7159.65
Cheques agreed to be paid Clerks pay – A Bean £210.00
CORRESPONDENCE – no new correspondence
TOUR DE YORKSHIRE – Yorkshire water have been contacted regarding rubbish and saplings alongside Gouthwaite Reservoir and the On site manager is looking into this. They have, in principle, agreed t help with this.
Although this has yet to be confirmed. Road closures for the event were also discussed by the council. The difficulty with this is that 4 bodies have to agree to any closures, which are still being discussed. It was also mentioned if there would be options to open roads between the 2 races, The Ladies race due around 9.30 – 10 am and the Men’s race between 3 – 4pm
It was also discussed options for Car parking on the day. A number of sites were discussed, all are dependant on discussions with landowners.
WEBSITE – nothing to report
NEXT MEETING – Monday 13th March 2017 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30pm,
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. DATE …………………………………………………….