Minutes July 2022

Minutes from July 2022 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 608512 E-mail:

Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 11th July 2022 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30pm

  1. PRESENT Chair Cllr R. Watson, Cllr. S Ramsden, Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr A. Challis, Cllr M Wells, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr D Verity, Cllr J Graham, Cllr J Carter, District Councillor S. Lumley, County Councillor Murday and Clerk Mr Alan Bean as well as over 100 members of the local community



  4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr S Ramsden, Seconded Cllr A Challis

  5. MATTERS ARISING – Potential School Closure

    As part of this meeting, we had invited members of the School to explain this news that they had contacted the Council for a review to potentially closure of the school. It was noticeable that the Executive Head Teacher didnt come to the meeting. The head of the Governors did come to explain their actions. During the meeting is was explained that majority of the Governors at the school had only become Governors in January. And there was only 1 governor from the area the school covers, and they dont have a child at the school. County Cllr Murday explained the process of the review, and what is looked for when closing a school. The main areas looked at are student numbers, Finances of the school and performance of the school. At North Yorkshire County Council Annabel Wilkinson has the final decision on if there should be a full review, or if the discussion has no need to proceed due to lack of reason to close the school. The head of Governors stated the reason had nothing to do with finance, and the school had seen improvement since april last year. It was the possible numbers in the future that was the reason for the suggested closure. Members of the public pointed out the school has more children in it than recent years. Currently there are 12, and previously it ran with 8. They also stated a number of children had been refused access to the school, and forced to travel to other schools who are run by this board of governors. Another member of the public stated the school had been left and not helped in recent times, Although an OFSTED inspection has just taken place, the governors refused to state the result before officially reported. The governor refused to comment about staffing issues, and the fact they are constantly using relief teacher for the school. Cllr D Fothergill asked the governor what the suitable level of children would be to maintain the school. She replied 30 plus. A figure never seen in this rural school. It was asked why this school as different to other successful schools who survive on 11 plus children. Parishoners asked for proof in writing why the school felt there was a lack of children. The Parish council voted to ask the school to provide all relevant evidence for this action within 1 week. This part of the meeting finished with the members of the public feeling annoyed at the seeming lack of understanding of the governors, and the fact the executive head didn’t even come to the meeting.

  6. COUNCILLORS REPORTS Cllr A Challis reported the verges and saplings were becoming an issue in some areas, as is often the case in the summer. District Cllr S Lumley reported the area, especially harrogate, seems to have bounced back well from the pandemic. He also reported the reorganisation to the new council is moving forward well. County Councillor Murday reported Parish councils may be able to talk on new responsibilities under the new organisation. The new local development plan maybe delayed due to political issues. Gouthwaite reservoir is going to be some time before its sorted, according to County Councillor Murday.

  7. FIRE STATION The firestation has been called out a few times recently

  8. CCTV . Nothing to report

  9. STREET LIGHTS nothing to report

  10. VILLAGE ISSUES The Ramsgill green has been cut.


  12. HIGHWAYS 5 men in 2 vehicles came to repair roads in the area, but admitted themselves the work they had been told to do “wont last 2 minutes” as they were just filling holes, not repairing them properly. County Councillor Murday is going to raise this issue. Ransgill bridge hedge is now pushing into the road

  13. PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Seats have been repaired



  16. COMMUTED SUMS Funding for seating is done


  18. PINFOLD nothing to report

  19. WEBSITE Nothing to report

  20. ACCOUNTS Donation towards Lofthouse is due to come from Clay Shoot. Village hall at Lofthouse may have some issues coming soon, and the council was made aware this could be a major cost. It was agreed to pay the below cheques, including payment for work on Middlesmoor triangle flower bed.

  21. ASSURANCE REVIEW  It was agreed by the council, that the parish council is exempt from a limited assurance review, and the clerk should email the exemption certificate to PKF Littlejohn.



ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 31/7/22

Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 31/7/22 £ 2684.49

Balance of Business Account at 31/7/22 £ 12886.84 £ 15571.33

RECEIPT Interest 0.11p



The following payments were agreed by the council

Clerks Pay £207.87

Wickstead playground seat £325.50

ARJ Contractors £100.00

R Watson Middlesmoor triangle £ 60.00

  1. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report

  2. NEXT MEETING will be held in September, no meeting in August, Loftouse Memorial hall on Monday 11th July 2022 7.30pm

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….