Minutes January 2023

Minutes from January 2023 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 07419 583881 E-mail:

Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 9th January 2023 Ramsgill Village Hall 7.30pm

  1. PRESENT Chair Cllr. S Ramsden, Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr A. Challis, Cllr J Carter, District Cllr S Lumley, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr D Verity, County Cllr A Murday and Clerk Mr Alan Bean

  2. APOLOGIES Cllr M Wells, Cllr J Graham,


  4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr S Ramsden, Seconded Cllr J Carter,

  5. MATTERS ARISING It was decided to email the governors to find out if their was any vacancies, what is the criteria for governors and when the next elections are due. Highways confirmed the gritting does not go from Lofthouse to Masham. The Council is going to monitor this. The bin replacements have yet to take art. The chair is in contact with the person dealing with this at the county council.

  6. COUNCILLORS REPORTS County councillor Murday reported Bus services around the area are being looked at. Kexgill is awaiting Department Of Transport signing off the spending. A youth council is being planned for 11-18 yr olds. There is currently a £60 million deficit in the County councils finances, but with reserves and increases in council tax, they hope to get it to £30 million deficit. District Cllr S Lumley reported on issues of the Agricultural Society has passed the car parking at the show ground to an independent company using security cameras to charg people failing to pay for parking. EDF and Harrogate Borough Council have teamed up to bring lower paid people insulation. There s a 3 month period which every bus route, one way, is to be £2. This will finish the end of March.

  7. FIRE STATION To be looked at next meeting

  8. CCTV Chair has arranged quotes for CCTV

  9. STREET LIGHTS No 4 at The Crown is being looked at be the County Council

  10. VILLAGE ISSUES Nothing to report

  11. CORONATION PLANNING Meeting moved to 27th at Lofthouse


  13. HIGHWAYS Ramsgill road hole has been filled

  14. PLAYGROUNDS Awaiting reports

  15. PARISH CARETAKER nothing to report

  16. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 22/04422/LB First Floor Extension & Conversion The council does not object 22/04652/FUL The installation of a lattice tower The council neither agrees or objects but suggests the use of a generator is inappropriate and there is an electricity supply nearby.

  17. COMMUTED SUMS nothing new to report

  18. MILLENIUM MARQUEE nothing new to report

  19. PINFOLD Quote for £280 was agreed by the council for the repair of pinfold gate

  20. WEBSITE Nothing to report

  21. ACCOUNTS as listed below


ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 30/11/22

Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 30/11/22 £ 2687.60

Balance of Business Account at 30/11/22 £ 13934.48 £ 16622.08

RECEIPT Interest £ 1.21



All were agreed for payment Proposed by Cllr A Sykes and seconded Cllr J Carter

M Collins audit £50

Clerks pay £202.11

  1. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report

  2. NEXT MEETING will be held at Lofthouse Memorial Hall on 13th February 2023 7.30pm

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….