Minutes from February 2023 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 07419 583881 E-mail: clerk@uppernidderdaleparishcouncil.org.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 13th February 2023 Lofthouse Memorial Hall 7.30pm
PRESENT Chair Cllr. S Ramsden, Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr A. Challis, Cllr J Carter, Cllr M Wells, Cllr J Graham, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr D Verity, County Cllr A Murday and Clerk Mr Alan Bean. 2 Members of the public also attended the meeting.
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr S Ramsden, Seconded Cllr J Carter,
MATTERS ARISING Governor applications were announced to be on the website by email to the council. Bins have been fitted. Chair and Vice Chair are going to inspect.
COUNCILLORS REPORTS County Councillor A Murday reported the 24 bus service has been reprieved for 1 year. A review of service is taking place. A youth council is being considered at Pateley Bridge in the council offices. Show ground car parking is being run by a private company. Parish charter is under review, with open meeting in Harrogate. Lights at the Crown are being looked into by the County Council. Cllr M Wells pointed out we haven’t yet agreed on the plaques for the Jubilee. The council agreed to 7 brass plaques at an approximate cost of £170 each.
FIRE STATION Fire service hasn’t the funding it was told was allocated for the buildings. However they are looking a new vehicles and have 2 new volunteers. They also reported issues with the roof on the fire station leaking.
CCTV Locals are against the CCTV with concerns on privacy. As such the idea of CCTV is to be stopped.
STREET LIGHTS A light in Middlesmoor is out.
VILLAGE ISSUES A member of the public came to the meeting to let us know abut the water issues in the area of Syke BankA quotation has been requested by the landowners to get a pipe fitted allowing water to flow away. This hsould allow water to flow away under the road.
CORONATION PLANNING Last year the Disco was a major success, and will be £400. The council is going to discuss funding at the next meeting. Next meeting to be around 31st March
HIGHWAYS Councillors reported a number of pot holes are starting to appear.
PLAYGROUNDS Inspection reports are being sent to councillors
PARISH CARETAKER Saplings have been cut. Hedge has been cut in playground.
PLANNING APPLICATIONS 23/00149/FUL Retrospective planning Rustic Cottage Bouthwaite The council had no objections.
COMMUTED SUMS Benches have been funded and are being arranged to be fitted.
MILLENIUM MARQUEE nothing new to report
PINFOLD Gate has been repaired
WEBSITE Nothing to report
ACCOUNTS as listed below
ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 31/01/23
Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 31/01/23 £ 2739.62
Balance of Business Account at 31/01/23 £ 13439.93 £ 16179.55
RECEIPT Interest £ 2.19
All were agreed for payment Proposed by Cllr A Sykes and seconded Cllr J Carter
Rockcliffe – Pinfold gate £280.00
Clerks pay £227.19
CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report
NEXT MEETING will be held at Middlesmoor Village Hall on 13th March 2023 7.30pm
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….