Minutes from January 2022 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 608512 E-mail: clerk@uppernidderdaleparishcouncil.org.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 10th January 2022 at Ramsgill Village Hall at 7.30pm
Full social distancing was maintained during the meeting
PRESENT Chair Cllr R. Watson, Cllr. S Ramsden, Cllr J Graham, Cllr A. Challis, Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr M Wells , and Clerk Mr Alan Bean
APOLOGIES County Cllr S Lumley, Cllr J Carter,
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr A Challis regarding How Stean
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr D. Fothergill, Seconded Cllr M Wells
MATTERS ARISING Applications for new councillor are ongoing,
FIRE STATION There has been issues with North Yorkshire Fire Service. They are having a meeting later this week. The Fire Station garages, costs have been approved but no work has commenced by contractor
CCTV Nothing to report
STREET LIGHTS Middlesmoor No1 is awaiting power. Cllr S Ramsden is checking on this
VILLAGE ISSUES There is a question of new development housing in Middlesmoor not having bins and are using other peoples bins. Ramsgill church wall has collapsed. This is a church issue, which the council cannot help with.
HIGHWAYS There is a massive issue with drains in the area. As such the roads are flooding in a number of places. The council received a letter regarding the ongoing Gouthwaite reservoir road issue, stating holes are due to be dug, to identify the cause of the collapse. Moor lane issues and Gouthwaite Reservoir are to be discussed at a meeting attended by Yorkshire Water and Councillor S Ramsden this week.
PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Council is considering possible updates and upgrades for the local playgrounds
PARISH CARETAKER Hedge near Ramsgill needs re-cutting before nesting season begins
21/04921/FUL How Stean Gorge – Council supports application
21/03587/FUL Old Police Station Council has no objection
COMMUTED SUMS 3 benches have been confirmed from commuted sums. Paperwork is going through over the next few weeks.
MILLENIUM MARQUEE Interest has been shown for a wedding in May. This has yet to be confirmed.
PINFOLD nothing to report
WEBSITE Nothing to report
JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS Plans going ahead for Jubilee. Posters are to go up for a meeting for this.
ACCOUNTS as listed below. It was agreed to look at other banks, and get details to discuss further at future meeting
CORRESPONDENCE The land registry has written to the cuncil, regarding land adjoining school house at Middlesmoor. Cllr R Watson is to meet the house owner later this week.
ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 30/11/21
Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 31/12/21 £ 2683.81
Balance of Business Account at 31/12/21 £ 11075.53 £ 13759.34
RECEIPT Interest 0.02p
Clerks Pay £198.49
M Collins Audit £50.00
ARJ Contractors Sign Repairs £160.00
CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report
NEXT MEETING will be held at Lofthouse Memorial Hall on Monday 14th February 2022 7.30pm
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….