Minutes for September 2019

Minutes from September 2019 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 608512 E-mail:

Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 9th September 2019 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30pm

  1. PRESENT Cllr R Watson (Chairman), Cllr S Ramsden, Cllr D Fothergill, Cllr J Graham, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr J Carter, Cllr M Wells

  2. APOLOGIES County Cllr S Lumley, Cllr B Harrison, Cllr A Challis,

  3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr S Ramsden regarding planning application , Cllr S Ramsden was not involved in discussion and vote on application

  4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr D Fothergill, seconded Cllr S Ramsden

  5. MATTERS ARISING Telephone Box at Middlesmoor – The door is hanging off. It was agreed that the Chair would send an email to BT looking towards repairing it. It may well be that the council will adopt the box, at some point but at this stage it was agreed to just ask for repairs to be done

  6. COUNCILLORS REPORTS No reports were given as County councillor not present and no items which are not covered in other areas, from Parish Councillors

  7. FIRE STATION No progress to report

  8. RIGHTS OF WAY Lofthouse has no news, however we have been informed by the land owner at How Stean Gorge of an application for alteration of rights of way. No official correspondence has been received from North Yorkshire County Council.As such the council cannot official comment on the application the land owner told us about. We know Rights of Way have an extremely long waiting list.

  9. CCTV . Nothing to report

  10. STREET LIGHTS The street light issue at Lofthouse, Harrogate Borough Council has agreed to fund. HBC, the land owner and the Parish Council Chair are meeting this week to finalise the work. The other lighting issue, at the band room, is to be mentioned to HBC while in Lofthouse.

  11. RAMSGILL The council has been made aware of an application on tracks on/around the Green area. This application, we are informed, does not affect rights of way. Mr Briggs came to the meeting, and explained what was happening. The Parish Council feels this application is not a council matter and as such, the parish council should not be involved with. Mr Briggs stated the signage on the green can be replaced by more aesthetic signage, so long as the new signage fits the same purpose. The chair stated he would look at possible options. The tree removal is now been authorised by HBC. Phone lines are now repaired. Mr Briggs also pointed an error out on last months minutes, where the word village shouldn’t have been put. This is to be removed, it was agreed.

  12. HIGHWAYS Vegetation is encroaching onto the highways. Saplings and hedges could cause a major issue, especially with the Cycle event days away, a number of emails have gone back and forth, currently to no avail. Chair is going to contact County Councillor S Lumley to try to get this issue sorted. Grit bin in Lofthouse has been damaged. It is believed there maybe one at the old fire station, to replace it.If not NYCC needs to replace the grit bin.

  13. PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Report receieved from Cllr J Carter

  14. PARISH CARETAKER No further news, but there are now a number of jobs pending.


19/03242/FUL JAS and SA Church Limley Farm. Council has no objection

19/03509/COU JAS and SA Church Corn Close Farm Council has no objection

The council was made aware of an application for Corn Close Barn, to the secretary of state against a Harrogate Borough Council application

  1. CYCLING EVENT The cycle event closures are listed on the event website. Signage for a second cycle race has been seen in the area. The council has not been made aware of anything to do with this.It is certainly nothing to do with the UCI race.

  2. COMMUTED SUMS ongoing, a number of the jobs are planned for the caretaker to do so cannot be actioned at the moment.

  3. MILLENIUM MARQUEE After the recent repair, it was realised the work was so well done, that no new marquee is needed. The Marquee is suitable for current usage. There maybe need for new poles, and other minor repairs but no need for a new marquee.

  4. PINFOLD nothing to report. We have been informed the pinfold at Ramsgill is owned by the Atkins, and therefore not council responsibility

  5. WEBSITE nothing to report

  6. ACCOUNTS as listed below.



ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 31/7/19

Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 31/7/19 £ 2628.97

Balance of Business Account at 31/7/19 £ 4007.93

£ 6636.90

RECEIPT Interest 0.45p


Clerks Pay £189.98

  1. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report

  2. NEXT MEETING 7.30pm 14th October 2019 at Ramsgill Village Hall

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….