Minutes from November 2019 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 608512 E-mail: clerk@uppernidderdaleparishcouncil.org.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 11th November 2019 at Lofthouse Village Hall at 7.30pm
PRESENT Cllr R Watson (Chairman), Cllr J Graham, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr J Carter, County Cllr S Lumley, Cllr A Challis, Cllr D Fothergill
APOLOGIES , Cllr S Ramsden, Cllr B Harrison, Cllr M Wells,
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr J Carter, Seconded Cllr J Graham
COUNCILLORS REPORTS County Councillor S Lumley reported he has been involved in two committees, one for climate change, discussing possible ways to lower the carbon footprint of the council. The second has been asked to consider making all urban areas 20mph. The councillors have met police to discuss if this is something appropriate for our area. Kexgill new road is now in for planning consideration, after a long time being discussed with environmental issues being taken into consideration. Summerbridge Fire station is currently only been available 50% of the time, due to lack of available staff. This was because the vehicle they have, can only be used with a minimum of 4 people. The fire service control only contacts them when they know 4 people or more are going to be available. A new, smaller vehicle is going to Summerbridge, which allows 3 people to use it. This new vehicle, although smaller, actually has more ability to deal with incidents, than the prior. This should mean the fire station is also available a lot more of the time.
TELEPHONE BOXES nothing new to report
FIRE STATION The Lofthouse Fire Station volunteers are still going through training, although there is the minimum number going through this training, they still would like more.
RIGHTS OF WAY Nothing to report
CCTV . Nothing to report
STREET LIGHTS Lofthose post office street light has been sorted
RAMSGILL Parking signs, apart from one, have been removed. We are currently unsure if these were officially removed.
HIGHWAYS A wall has collapsed at Gouthwaite reservoir. The hedge at Ramsgill bridge, we have been informed, is due to be cut in the next few weeks.
PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Rubbish from bonfire is due to be cleared
PARISH CARETAKER Caretaker is doing some work.
19/03847/DVCON Mr C Gray Lee And Holmes Builders Yard Middlesmoor the council decided No Objection but questioned if charging points would be fitted
19/03562/LB Mr Vardy Barn West Of Brackenridge Farm New Houses the council decided No Objection
COMMUTED SUMS Nothing to report
PRECEPT It was agreed to increase the precept to cover the need for wellbeing in the area, and to build funds to replace worn out equipment in playgrounds as they are required. It is estimated that to replace equipment we currently have could be above £10,000 so it is important to do this now, rather than when funds are needed. This will increase the precept to £8000.
MILLENIUM MARQUEE Nothing to report
PINFOLD Nothing to report
WEBSITE nothing to report
ACCOUNTS as listed below.
ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 30/9/19
Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 30/9/19 £ 2629.85
Balance of Business Account at 30/9/19 £ 6571.59
£ 9201.44
RECEIPT Interest 0.43p
Invoice for Clerk £170.00
Ray Skelton £278.10
Lofthouse Playground Inspection £66.00
Wath Playground Inspection £66.00
CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report
NEXT MEETING 7.30pm 9th December 2019 at Middlesmoor Village Hall
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….