Minutes for November 2018

Minutes from November 2018 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 608512 E-mail:

Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 12th November 2018 at Lofthouse Village Hall at 7.30pm

  1. PRESENT Cllr R Watson (Chairman), Cllr S Ramsden (Vice Chairman), Cllr A Sykes, Cllr P Nethercoat, Cllr J Graham, Cllr D Fothergill, Cllr B Harrison, Cllr S Lumley

  2. APOLOGIES Cllr J Carter, Cllr A Challis

  3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr S Lumley regarding Lofthouse School

  4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr P Nethercoat, Second Cllr D Fothergill

  5. MATTERS ARISING Fire Service – At the time of the meeting, no further correspondence has been received by the council, however a number of Fire Service Personnel were seen at the station. Lofthouse School – As stated by the Head, the following day after the Councils last meeting, a letter was sent out to parents. Very little was in the letter. Concerns by the council, of the Lofthouse Schools future still exists. NYCC via Cllr S Lumley, stated there is no plans to close the school. Parish Councillors also commented on the fact if the younger pupils go for times at St Cuthberts, and gain friends there, are they going to want to go back to Lofthouse. And longer term, this would make Lofthouse School less viable. Ramsgill Electric Supply Upgrade – Further details are expected in January

  6. COUNCILLORS REPORTS Cllr S Lumley reported the Highways department in NYCC that deals with Upper Nidderdale, has new head. A Melissa Burnham, and the new liaison, Sarah Bailey. There is also an injection of cash due from Government for the massive amount of potholes in the area. He reminded us that the World Cycling Championships are coming to the area in September 2019. The “Snow Days” help given by locals, in previous years has been full of issues as the contractor has often been late in contacting those locals for help. In this coming year a much more relaxed approach is being taken, and those registered for “Snow Days” will be able to be contacted much earlier.

  7. RIGHTS OF WAY A meeting has been arranged for 18th November.

  8. HIGHWAYS The sign for Middlesmoor Only isn’t aimed the correct way, Plus still awaiting notification for when Stean will be resurfaced. The New liaison, Sarah Bailey is to be contacted by the clerk

  9. PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Required inspections have taken place, and there a few issues mentioned, but nothing needing immediate work.

  10. PARISH CARETAKER Caretaker to go and fix any minor issues from playgrounds, like chains needing greasing etc.

  11. RAMSGILL GREEN A solicitor has made contact with the Chair, regarding the solicitor being allowed to deal with the legal side, along with for others, on behalf of the Parish Council. No cost to be to the Parish Council. As all the points are already submitted in writing from the parish council, and this is all he would be dealing with, a vote was called. The were no objections, 1 abstained and the remainder of the council voted for this to happen. As such the chair is to contact the solicitor and let him deal with the legal side.

  12. PLANNING APPLICATIONS – 18/03859/FUL JAS & SA CHURCH Corn Close, Low Wath Road HG3 5HL – The Parish Council were against the application, but felt that if there were to be a smaller number of units, and better screening, they may look more favourably on the application . 18/03928/FUL MR S MCGEACHY Daisy Cottage, Stean HG3 5SF – The Parish Council Supports the application. 18/04317/FUL MR & MRS VARDY Barn west of Brackenridge Farm, Lofthouse – The Parish Council supports the application

  13. MILLENIUM MARQUEE Nothing to report

  14. PINFOLD nothing to report

  15. REMEMBERANCE DAY The Parish Council wished to thank all those who turned out to this years remembrance day.

  16. BROADBAND It was decided that although it would be nice to have broadband available, the council have decided to stop pursuing this, as this would have to be the responsibility of the village halls. The ongoing costs of broadband is something the council couldn’t cover.

  17. PRECEPT Parish Council has put forward an increase in the precept to Harrogate Borough Council, as in previous years some costs were covered by HBC that are now responsibility of the Parish Council, and the council has being using resevres to keep costs down in previous years, which the Parish Council can no longer cover.

  18. WEBSITE New email addresses are now in place, and is now taking over from the previous emails.

  19. COMMUTED SUMS As future commuted sums are to be altered in the new area plan, Parish Council arranged 2 councillors to discuss this with the HBC. There were a number of items that might be claimed for before this takes place. At next meeting, this will be looked at in further detail.


  21. ACCOUNTS as per statements received up to 31/10/18

Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 31/10/18 £ 2625.03

Balance of Business Account at 31/10/18 £ 4836.90

£ 7461.93

RECEIPT Interest 0.39p


Invoice For Parish Clerk

HBC for Playground Inspections

Poppy Appeal for Wreaths

  1. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report

  2. NEXT MEETING 10th December 2018 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30pm

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….