Minutes from March 2019 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 608512 E-mail:clerk@uppernidderdaleparishcouncil.org.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 11th March 2019 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30pm
PRESENT Cllr R Watson (Chairman), Cllr S Ramsden (Vice Chairman), Cllr A Challis, Cllr J Carter, Cllr S Lumley, Cllr A Sykes
APOLOGIES Cllr J Graham, Cllr D Fothergill, Cllr D Fothergill,
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING proposed Cllr S Lumley seconded Cllr A Challis
COUNCILLORS REPORTS Cllr S Lumley stated they had just agreed a £1million pound contract to erect mobile phone masts. These masts are to enable all companies to increase coverage for areas currently struggling for signals. North Yorkshire schools are in the 20% of schools across the nation. He also stated the Inspector who has been looking at the Area plan for Harrogate Borough Council has now completed his inspection. HBC are awaiting his report. The new electric buses that have started in Pateley Bridge, have been a success.
FIRE STATION Steve Bean visited the council, to report on how close we are to having enough applications. The council and Steve Bean are still looking for more applications to save the Fire Station. The cut off date has now been extended until 18th March.
RIGHTS OF WAY Forms are currently being checked and collated before being sent to the relevant department.
CCTV Cllr S Ramsden has spoken to the relevant people, who may be able to help in placing CCTV. The chair has looked into costs which is believed to be up to £400 for equipment. The council agreed that this is something we need to be doing.
RAMSGILL GREEN PARKING Chair has sent an email to the solicitors regarding signs on parking. The solicitor has stated he has already started legal proceedings
HIGHWAYS The road to Masham is being looked at for 100% of it being gritted, at the review meeting in August. The Chair is to follow up on the dangerous corner near Ivy House Farm, maybe to look at some sort of barrier. He is also looking at yellow lines near Ramsgill bridge. After contacting the petrol station, they are willing to do a litter collection, after the council mentioned Costa coffee cups being seen around the area. Cllr S Ramsden is working with arranging another collection with the WI for later this year.
PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Nothing new however the fencing is still pending
PARISH CARETAKER nothing extra
PLANNING APPLICATIONS 18/05145/FUL Mr and Mrs Middlemiss The council has no objection. 19/00668/FUL Yorkshire Water the council has no objection.
COMMUTED SUMS Almost all funds are now sorted.
MILLENIUM MARQUEE Nothing to report
PINFOLD nothing to report
WEBSITE nothing to report
CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Pateley Bridge, offering a member of Upper Nidderdale Parish Council to attend a meeting in April about cycling. Cllr A Challis is going to attend.
ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 28/2/19
Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 28/2/19 £ 2626.76
Balance of Business Account at 28/2/19 £ 3053.70
£ 5680.46
RECEIPT Interest 0.40p
Invoice For Parish Clerk £170.00
Lofthouse Memorial Hall £100.00
CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report
NEXT MEETING 8th April 2019 at Ramsgill Village Hall at 7.30pm
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….