Minutes from February 2019 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 608512 E-mail:clerk@uppernidderdaleparishcouncil.org.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 11th February 2019 at Lofthouse Village Hall at 7.30pm
PRESENT Cllr R Watson (Chairman), Cllr S Ramsden (Vice Chairman), Cllr A Challis, Cllr J Graham, Cllr D Fothergill, Cllr S Lumley, Cllr B Harrison, Cllr A Sykes
APOLOGIES Cllr J Carter,
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST S Ramsden regarding planning application
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING proposed Cllr D Fothergill, seconded Cllr A Challis
CLLR NETHERCOAT MEMORIAL The council is looking into a potential bench or maybe something for the playground.
COUNCILLORS REPORTS Cllr S Lumley stated that over the past 5 years Government funding has dropped by 40%. Many councils are struggling, but Harrogate Borough Council and North Yorkshire County Council are on a sound footing. They have had to find an additional £26 million for the next 2 years, but for year 3 they will have to find an additional £14 million due to Government cuts. Recycling is now making a profit for NYCC. The council is also looking at additional areas to generate an income. Over the winter period, 5800 miles of road are now being gritted each year. This is about 54% or North Yorkshire roads. This is by 86 Gritters and over 100 farmers helping to keep the roads clear. A new parking app has been launched in Harrogate, enabling drivers to know exactly where spaces are, and to pay per minute they park. The Government inspector is halfway through looking at the area plan.
Cllr R Watson mentioned about the annual litter collection, and was informed by Cllr S Ramsden it usually occurred in April. Cllr S Ramsden is going to look into who is willing to do this for 2019
Cllr A Challis mentioned about coffee cups appearing in the area, which she believes are Costa Coffee cups from the Garage in Pateley Bridge. It was suggested she could ask the Garage to contribute to collecting these cups.
Cllr S Ramsden had to call 101 after catching poachers. The Chair and Vice Chair are to discuss potential of CCTV in the area, and help locals might be able to offer with a site for cameras. It was suggested only one camera would be needed on the road into the area, and one on the road out, which it was believed one is already sited and used by the police, on the road. This would mean only one would be needed.
FIRE STATION For the Fire station to continue, they have been informed that 8 people are needed to have completed an application before 1st March. If there are not enough people by then, the option of the station maybe lost forever. The council is aware of a number of people who have completed applications, but that isnt enough, yet. Members of the council are going to contact people who have already shown an interest, and hopefully get them to commit, and fill in a form before the 1st of March.
RIGHTS OF WAY Forms are currently being checked and collated before being sent to the relevant department.
HIGHWAYS Cllr A Challis brought up about a corner near Ivy House Farm, where ice is causing a lot of problems, and cars going over a drop. Gritting is currently a big issue. The chair is going to talk to someone at highways, and invite someone to visit the area, and see the areas of concern.
PLAYGROUNDS REPORT Lofthouse playground fence as been n hold after the death of Cllr Nethercoat. This is now to be dealt with.
PARISH CARETAKER Fencing work at playground is still ongoing, as dealing with landowner next door
PLANNING APPLICATIONS 19/00490/FUL P Hawley Corn Close Barn, Low Wath Road Retrospective application for boundary fence – The council does not object or support the application, however the council feels the fence needs green shielding, with the trellis being a neutral colour. 19/00208/FUL Mr S Ramsden West of Low Riggs Farm, Middlesmoor, Conversion of Barn Cllr S Ramsden left the meeting for this. The council fully support the application.
RAMSGILL GREEN Chair is going to ask AONB regards parking signs at Ramsgill Green
COMMUTED SUMS Funds are still being looked at, to be used to improve the area.
MILLENIUM MARQUEE Nothing to report
PINFOLD nothing to report
WEBSITE nothing to report
COMMUTED SUMS The council is discussing with the local community and Harrogate Borough Council to use the funds allotted to the area
ACCOUNTS as per statements received up to 31/1/19
Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 31/1/19 £ 2626.36
Balance of Business Account at 31/1/19 £ 3326.93
£ 5953.29
RECEIPT Interest 0.45p
Invoice For Parish Clerk £192.24
Caretaker Invoice £75.00
CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report
NEXT MEETING 11th March 2019 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30pm
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….