Minutes from June 2019 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 608512 E-mail: clerk@uppernidderdaleparishcouncil.org.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 10th June 2019 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30pm
PRESENT Cllr R Watson (Chairman), Cllr S Ramsden (Vice Chairman), Cllr A Challis, County Cllr S Lumley, Cllr D Fothergill, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr B Harrison, Cllr J Carter
APOLOGIES Cllr J Graham,
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING proposed Cllr D Fothergill seconded Cllr A Challis
NEW COUNCILLOR Mr Mike Wells who was invited to the council, didnt come
CLLR NETHERCOAT MEMORIAL Currently considering a seating area in Lofthouse Playground. Chair is looking at costings.
COUNCILLORS REPORTS County Councillor S. Lumley reported a special meeting on NYCC on transport for 16 plus travel on buses to schools, on a potential increase. HBC district plan is seeing changes discussed and worked on, as suggested by the inspector. Cllr R Watson reported that he had seen an interactive map showing upcoming roadworks including 1 closure and traffic control for potholes.
FIRE STATION Nothing further to report
RIGHTS OF WAY Forms have been sent
CCTV Tests is ongoing on CCTV system, with a few issues to be sorted.
RAMSGILL GREEN PARKING Mt Briggs has applied for ownership of the pathways. Cllr R Watson has contacted land registry to see if rights of access are on these paths
HIGHWAYS As stated earlier, by Cllr R Watson, a number of roadworks are scheduled for the area, in the next few weeks
PLAYGROUNDS REPORT .No work has been done by the caretaker on the fence, and contact has been hard. Cllr D Fothergill and Cllr R Watson are to trim round bin at lofthouse.
PARISH CARETAKER Grass cutting has been done recently, Hedge cutting to be considered at next meeting. Caretaker to trim brambles near Sanctuary Housing. Notice boards may need a revamp / painting. Cllr D Fothergill is going to look into this. Caretaker to clear drain near Middlesmoor village hall.
19/0185/FULMAJ Holme Farm Lofthouse Mr & Mrs Halsall The council does not approve this application, as the building does not fit the area, visually and size wise as massively larger than other buildings in the area. Access is also limited to the site
CYCLING EVENT Paperwork has been forwarded for sign
COMMUTED SUMS .Cllr R Watson is arranging contact with the man from HBC commuted sums office.
MILLENIUM MARQUEE Nothing to report
PINFOLD nothing to report
WEBSITE nothing to report
ACCOUNTS audit is taking place this coming month
OTHER BUSINESS Fibre cable is being laid up to Scar reservoir, up to peoples houses. The Telephone box at Lofthuse is due to be decommioned. The parish council is going to adopt the box. Chair is to get paperwork. The light at Lofthouse still has connection issues. Cllr S Lumley is going to contact the relevant department
ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 30/4/19
Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 30/4/19 £ 2627.64
Balance of Business Account at 30/4/19 £ 4742.30
£ 7369.94
RECEIPT Interest 0.43p
Clerks Pay £204.99
CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report
NEXT MEETING 7.30pm 8th July 2019 Ramsgill Village Hall
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….