Minutes from April 2023 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 07419 583881 E-mail: clerk@uppernidderdaleparishcouncil.org.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 17th April 2023 at Ramsgill Village Hall 7.30pm
PRESENT Chair Cllr. S Ramsden, Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr A. Challis, Cllr M Wells, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr J Carter, Cllr D Verity and Clerk Mr Alan Bean
APOLOGIES County Cllr A Murday, Cllr J Graham
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr D Fothergill Seconded Cllr S Ramsden,
MATTERS ARISING School Governor Situation – Amanda Newbald Assistant Director of Education has reported there are vacancies as school Governors, Cllr M Wells is going to contact the school asking about being a governor. It was also reported rumours are the char and vice chair have resigned their roles within the School Governors. Bins Replacements – The Chair is looking into options of moving a bin that has been placed in front of a flower bed.
NEW COUNCILLOR The Parish Council is now looking for a new councillor. Anyone interested in the role can email the Clerk or speak to a member of the council about their interest.
COUNCILLORS REPORTS County Cllr A Murday was away for this meeting, but forwarded a report on the latest from North Yorkshire County Council. It covered the review starting of extending the Nidderdale Greenway with landowners. The youth council is having its first meeting on the 24th April. There is continued local anger at the Show ground Car park situation. The budget for North Yorkshire has increased by 4.99%. He had a conversation with Amanda Newbald regarding the school Governors situation, where she stated there were vacancies. Cllr S Ramsden has pointed out that the new properties in Middlesmoor, some have yet to receive their Bins fr the council.
FIRE STATION As per previous agreement, the Fire Station has forwarded a bill for decorating items, which the council had previously agreed to pay. This totalled £206.23
STREET LIGHTS Cllr D Fothergill has brought to the councils attention information stating the lights in Lofthouse that are under question with north Yorkshire County Council were in fact fitted several years before the Leda funding.
VILLAGE ISSUES Empty properties are being a concern to villagers in Ramsgill
CORONATION PLANNING The final stages of the planning are in place. After a discussion on how and when payments were to be made, it was agreed that for the celebration, the council should have petty cash available in case of issues on the day. This was agreed to be held by the Chair. The sum of £200 was discussed, as the DJ would be paid by cheque. It was thought this would cover other expenses for the day.
HIGHWAYS Drains are yet to be unblocked
PLAYGROUNDS Nothing to report
PARISH CARETAKER Nothing to report
PLANNING APPLICATIONS 23/00639/FUL The Lodge Low Woodale Farm Lofthouse The council has no objection to this. 23/01112/FUL Stean Cottage Stean Erection of Garage & Store. The council has no objection to this. 23/01238/DVCON Gouthwaite IRE Gouthwaite Reservoir Variation. The council has no objection to this
COMMUTED SUMS County Cllr A Murday was due to update on the future of commuted sums, but wasn’t here to do so.
MILLENIUM MARQUEE nothing to report
PINFOLD It was noted Middlesmoor Pinfold had been tided up recently.
WEBSITE nothing to report
ACCOUNTS as listed below
ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 31/03/23
Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 31/03/23 £ 2744.73
Balance of Business Account at 31/03/23 £ 12195.68 £ 14940.41
RECEIPT Interest £ 2.90
All payments were agreed for payment Proposed by Cllr A Sykes and seconded Cllr D Fothergill
Clerks pay £222.40
Fire Station £206.23
Ramsgill Village Hall £120.00
YLCA £214.00
Plaques Brunel Engraving via Cllr M Wells £1031.74
Petty Cash for Coronation £200.00
CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report
NEXT MEETING will be held at Middlesmoor Village Hall on 15th April 2023 7.00pm
This will include the Annual Parish Meeting
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….