Minutes of March 2018

Minutes from March 2018 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 01765 606395 E-mail:

Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
Monday 12th March 2018 at Middlesmoor Village Hall at 7.30pm

  1. PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden (Chairman); Cllr P Nethercoat, Cllr R Watson, Cllr J Graham, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr J Carter, Cllr S Lumley, Cllr A Challis, Cllr D. Fothergill,

  2. APOLOGIES Cllr B Harrison

  3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr D. Fothergill re planning application

  4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Minutes for Parish Council Meeting held on 12th February 2018 at 7.30pm were proposed by Cllr P Nethercoat seconded by Cllr J Graham signed by Chairman Cllr Ramsden and agreed by all Councillors present as a true and accurate copy

  5. MATTERS ARISING Telephone Box. It was agreed the clerk to send email to head of planning, copying Cllr S Lumley, with a view of Cllr S Lumley talking directly to the planning department, to resolve this issue. Dog Warden has contacted the council, and plans put in place.

  6. COUNCILLORS REPORTS . Cllr A Sykes suggested that snow fencing may help future severe snow storms not cause as much problems for the parish. Cllr J Graham commented about the ammount of “ruts” and pot holes appearing in the area, possibly due to the recent weather. Cllr R Watson sugested mentioning to all village halls about the opportumity for them to apply for WiFi in the halls. Clerk is to forward details of forth coming meetings, as well as suggesting this to them. Cllr S. Ramsden wished to point out the help from local contractors during this time of heavy snow. The council agreed to send letters of thanks to those contractors. Clerk is to provide them for Cllr S. Ramsden to deliver at next meeting. Cllr S Lumley also wished to point ot the help received by local people with the snow issues, especially local contractors who worked throughout the period to keep roads as open as possible. He aso stated the budget is set for North Yorkshire County Council He pointed out that the government has ceased a number of grants to NYCC , which is themain reason for a rise in local taxation. Harrogate Borough Council has also set its budget for the year ahead, which is lower than most other councils. He also stated Allerton Park recycling and household waste plant, is now fully operational.

  1. STREET LIGHTING Most issues are now fixed, and those pending, the relavant people are now dealing with

  2. RIGHTS OF WAY after a wait, the manager for the office for rights of way replied, appologising for the delay. He is to get the relevant person to contact the clerk befre next meeting.

  3. WAR MEMORIALS nothing to report

  4. HIGHWAYS A number of issues of potholes have been seen or reported to councillors. As well it has been noted recently resurfaced roads are losing their surface. Cllr S Lumley reported there is an ongoing issue with resurfacing. A number of areas have been surfaced with a faulty batch. He also wished to point out the number of pot holes mean that currently the council will be doing emergency repairs to the worst. The weather has damaged an emence amount of road, meaning the owrst will be dealt with first with emergency coverage. It maybe some tme before more substantial repais can take place. Cllr P Nethercoat dealt with an issue of flooding on the road to stean, which is now sorted.

  5. PLAYGROUNDS REPORT . No new issues to report

  6. PARISH CARETAKER The council agreed to offer Mr W Lofthouse the position of caretaker, subject to Public Liability Insurance put in place. This to be at £16.50 per hour, which was proposed by Cllr A Challis and seconded by Cllr P Nethercoat


Mr and Mrs Weston 6.17.78.FUL 17/05486/FUL Stoneywalls, Lofthouse – Cllr D. Fothergill left the room whle this was debated. The council neither objects r supports the application, the ouncil wished to state that consideration of any view/light issue created by the application, shoud be considered

Mr D Harker 6.28.77.C.FUL 18/00478/FUL Sean Beck Farm, Stean – The council had no objection

  1. MILLENIUM MARQUEE 1 order has been taken for this year

  2. PINFOLD nothing to report

  3. WEBSITE nothing to report



Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 1/2/18 £ 2173.46

Balance of Business Account at 31/2/18 £ 4873.67

£ 7047.13


Interest 0.12p


Invoice For Parish Clerk

Salary (4 wks at £36 per week) £ 144.00

Home office and Broadband/phone use (4 wks at £4 per week) £ 16.00

Expenses Fuel to and from Meetings (£10 per meeting) £ 10.00

Ink Cartridge £ 31.99

£ 201.99

  1. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report


  3. NEXT MEETING 9th April 2018 at Ramsgill Village Hall

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. DATE …………………………………………………….