Minutes June 2023

Minutes from June 2023 meeting

Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 07419 583881 E-mail:

Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 12th June 2023 at Middlesmoor Village Hall 7.30pm

  1. PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr. A Challis, Cllr M Wells, Cllr D Verity Cllr J Graham, County Cllr A Murday and Clerk Mr Alan Bean Plus 5 members of the Public and 1 Planning applicant

  2. APOLOGIES Cllr J Carter


  4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr M Wells Seconded Cllr A Challis

  5. MINUTES OF LAST ANNUAL MEETINGS Proposed Cllr S Ramsden Seconded Cllr A Challis

  6. MATTERS ARISING Ongoing school issues;- Cllr Murday visited all 3 schools in the federation. He has been informed that the Governors are planning a meeting. This is to be with the parents. The parents , who were present, were not aware of a meeting being arranged. One issue Cllr Murday reported was there is currently only 1 pupil in year 5 and 2 in year 6. The parents present reported its been nearly a year since any communication from Governors to Parents. There is a new chair of Governors. The parents also explained there is no full time or pernament staff. Cllr Murday reported that all pupils seemed happy. The parents stated that Lofthuse has no clubs available, whereas other do. Cllr Murday stated the Governors meeting, according to the email he received, is hoped to be Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week. The Bishop of Ripon was contacted about the school. The reply stated the church would only been involved in educational issues. Cllr S Ramsden reported the bin has been moved and it was confirmed Ramsgill bench has been fitted.

  7. NEW COUNCILLOR The new councillor, Richard Harker, joined the councillors this meeting

  8. COUNCILLORS REPORTS Cllr Murday reported NYC is, for the first time, not under comtrol of conservatives. A plan for tourism in Yorkshire is taking place. Cllr A Challis pointed out Nidderdale.co.uk is still no 1 for the area on Google, but is a blank site. Harrogate chamber of trade, but nothing has happened as far as Cllr A Challis. Cllr Murday reported there is a “Shared Prosperity Fund” available. The Parish Council thought Lofthouse Memorial Hall roof maybe a suitable candidate. Chair is contacting them about this.

  9. FIRE STATION Nothing new to report

  10. STREET LIGHTS 1 light at Lofthouse

  11. VILLAGE ISSUES nothing to report


  13. HIGHWAYS Drainage is still an issue. The resevoir wall has seen repair work. Cllr Murday stated there was still work to do to the road.

  14. PLAYGROUNDS Seats have been replaced as a cost of £146.30



ZC23/01803/FUL Conversion of store building to 3 bedroomed dwelling The council had no objection

ZC23/01286/FUL Proposed change of use Corn Close Farm The council had no objection

  1. COMMUTED SUMS Cllr D Fothergill reported the funds available for the communityare sizeable. Having spoken to NYC about this, the new contact Lee Jones stated he was more than willing to work with the council to help with these funds, but he funds must be applied ofr by the correct people. These include Lofthouse Memorial Hall, Ramsgill Village Hall and Middlesmoor Village hall.

  2. MILLENIUM MARQUEE nothing to report

  3. PINFOLD nothing to report

  4. WEBSITE nothing to report


  6. ACCOUNTS as listed below

ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 30/04/23

Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 30/04/23 £ 2747.41

Balance of Business Account at 30/04/23 £ 15045.66 £ 14940.41

RECEIPT Interest £ 2.98



Clerks Pay £196.06

D Verity £146.30

  1. AGAR EXEMPTION It was agreed by all members of the Parish Council that the parish council is exempt from a limited assurance review and the clerk should email the exemption certificate to PFK Littlejohn.

  2. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report

  3. NEXT MEETING will be held at Ramsgill Village Hall on 10th July 2023 7.30pm

SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….