Minutes from August 2023 meeting
Parish Clerk: Mr Alan Bean
21 Doublegates Avenue, Ripon, HG4 2TP
Tel.: 07419 583881 E-mail: clerk@uppernidderdaleparishcouncil.org.uk
Minutes taken by Mr Alan Bean
HELD ON Monday 14th August 2023 at Lofthouse Memorial Hall 7.30pm
PRESENT Cllr S. Ramsden Cllr D. Fothergill, Cllr J Carter, Cllr A Sykes, Cllr R Harker, Cllr. A Challis, Cllr M Wells, Cllr J Graham and Clerk Mr Alan Bean and 8 members of the public
APOLOGIES Cllr D Verity, County Cllr A Murday
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr R Harper reported his interest in the ZC23/02479/FUL application. Cllr S Ramsden reported his interest with the ZC23/02902/PNT56 application. Neither were involved in the decisions on these.
LOFTHOUSE SCHOOL – This meeting was mainly due to the knowledge of the lack of students for the next academic year. At the beginning fo this meeting a vote was taken by the council to confirm if they wish to keep the school open. It was unanimous vote for keeping the school open. Last year the numbers grew from 11 to 15 but after the recent actions within the school, as of September the number of Students is Zero.
All parents have opted to take their children outside the federation. In fact the first meeting the co-chair governor Helen Nelson had stated “If your not happy, take your kids elsewhere. In the last meeting of Governors it was stated the September meeting would be about potential closure of the school. It has been suggested by the parents at the school that apart from children due to leave this term, parents were targetted 1 at a time until they left. This was before the September numbers were confirmed. It was also noted that all complaints have been ignored by the school apart from one that was stated as “dealt with” although the parents state that is not the case.
It was also noted that both Glasshouses and St Cuthberts schools were allowed Breakfast clubs and after school clubs. When this was requested for Lofthouse, with volunteers to arrange it, it was refused. With the pupils due to leave this year, the other schools were laying on special events, visitors and books for these children. Lofthouse had nothing arranged for their children. The governors of the school last year stated the reason for looking at closing the school was due to educational needs, but now state it was for financial reasons. It was noted that it wasn’t just Lofthouse that had seen student numbers lower, under the head of the federation. The chair of Governors added that among issues was the school cannot afford to stand alone, and it was refused from de-registration as part of a federation. After months of trying to get someone on the governors to put local views to the governors, Cllr M Wells has been invited to an interview to be a none voting member of the Governors this coming week.
The council along with parents then looked at options for moving forward and keeping the school at Lofthouse. One thing that was pointed out was from April we have been waiting for Amanda Newbold has yet to respond. The parents are aware of a gagging order for previous teachers at the school. The decision was made to create a plan of action, this would involved contacting parents who have moved their children, to get accounts on what had occurred to cause them to move. Contact the press to get their involvement. To get a response from Amanda Newbold on the report she said she would forward in April. A petition to be created to build awareness of the situation effecting this local schools. Cllr Wells agreed to contact Amanda Newbold with regard to getting this report. Cllr S Ramsden has contacts with the press. Parents agreed to contact parents now at other schools. A petition is to be started by the parents through the government website. And Cllr D Fothergill is to create a ltter to forward via the Clerk.
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Proposed Cllr R Harker Seconded Cllr S Ramsden
MATTERS ARISING – Bin Fire the Police are fully aware of the situation.
COUNCILLORS REPORTS Cllr Murday was away however forwarded a report which was read out at the meeting. He stated the Youth council has had its 3rd meeting, Pateley Bridge childrens centre is now to be used as a family centre. Defibrillators have been requested to be registered. There are grants available for those off grid with incomes less than £3000pm. Contact for details will be via Cllr Murday or North Yorkshire Council. North Yorkshire Council has now adopted a new charter. The council has also been made aware of an application for common land for the green in Ramsgill. The council hasn’t had any official communication regarding this.
FIRE STATION Nothing new to report
STREET LIGHTS Nothing new to report
VILLAGE ISSUES nothing to report
HIGHWAYS Drains are still an issue
PLAYGROUNDS Nothing to report
PARISH CARETAKER Nothing new to report
ZC23/02479/FUL Demolition of existing stables and sheds. The council objects aesthetic appeal but also believe it runs across an existing right of way
ZC23/02463/FUL Demolition of existing garage, The council does not object.
ZC23/02616/DVCON Variation of Condition 2 and 4 Extension and conversion of barn The council does not object.
ZC23/02902/PNT56 Installation of 20m slimline lattice tower and associated ancillary equipment The council is aksing for an extension as wish to inspect the location.
COMMUTED SUMS nothing to report
PINFOLD nothing to report
WEBSITE nothing to report
ACCOUNTS as listed below
ACCOUNTS DETAILS as per statements received up to 30/06/23
Balance of Millennium Marquee Account at 30/06/23 £ 2751.05
Donation £ 3500.00
Total in Millennium Account £ 6256.99
Balance of Business Account at 30/06/23 £ 12821.21
TOTAL £ 19078.20
Interest received on bank accounts £ 5.95
Clerks Pay £255.42
Lofthouse Memorial Hall £80.00
All payments were agreed by the council
CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Nothing to report
NEXT MEETING will be held at Lofthouse Village Hall on 11th September 2023 7.30pm
SIGNED BY ………………………………………………………………. Dated………………………………….